Two courses will be offered this season;
- 2018-2019 101 Steering Course
- 2018-2019 201 Steering Course
The 101 Steering Course is appropriate for;
- Any paddler with zero to limited steering knowledge and skills
- OSC certified steerspersons who have not completed the 101 course
The 201 Steering Course is appropriate for;
- Those who participated in the 2017-2018 steering classes
101 Steering Course
A course comprised of lectures and logged hours within an OC6. This course may be used as a refresher or to garner practice time in seat 6. Racers, recreational, Pirates and Mom’s groups, come one, come all. This study will encompass responsibility, technique, safety, water knowledge, racing strategy, equipment and developing experience in a variety of ocean conditions.
Lectures: In house attendance preferred although the lecture may be available through Skype audio. To be determined. One weeknight evening lecture per month in the Santa Cruz Harbor room, starting Friday, 11/30/18.
Text and Resources: The required course text to be brought to each lecture is Outrigger Canoeing, The Art and Skill of Steering by Steve West. You can order the book online here. Additional handouts and resources will be available and shared in class.
Equipment: The Club has a couple of steering blades to borrow on a daily basis. Each student will be expected to bring appropriate sized personal steering blade in addition to their personal paddle to all classes and paddles. An opportunity to order an individual steering blade at a group discount will be placed after the 1st week of class. Instructors will be available to advise on the sizing and appropriate blade type to acquire.
Logbook: Students will keep a diary of their steering experiences noting date, amount of time on water in seat 6, crew, water and weather conditions, challenges encountered, questions for advisers; to be reviewed once a month with an adviser whether in person, phone or class setting.
OC6 Steering Time: There will be opportunity to practice steering skills as a group each weekend, currently scheduled for Saturday’s at 8:45am. Scheduling is flexible and subject to change to capture a variety of weather and water conditions. Crews will be comprised of those students enrolled in the class to support the skills involved in steering. Additional time may be logged by steering other OSC crews ie: Recreational paddling, the Pirates, the Mom’s, Fitness or Racing crews. Another option is for anyone to reserve a canoe through OSC website or contacting leurs56@gmail.com for the day and time of their choosing.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Topics: Course description, steerer profile, steering paddles, steering strokes, steering strokes in other seats, commands and communication, ordering of personal steering paddles
Friday, January 11, 2019
Topics: Safety; general water conditions; student logbook review question & answer.
Friday, February 8, 2019
Topics: The Physics of the Hawaiian Canoe; How Ocean Forces Effect Steering Decisions or Na Wahine 2012, What Went Wrong (lectures Amy presented to the NCOCA); local marine currents & conditions; student logbook review question & answer.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Topics: Race strategies (long distance, sprints), turns; additional weather, water condition; student logbook question and answer
2018-2019 201 Steering Course
To Be Determined.
Questions? Email: leurs56@gmail.com