OC6 Reservation

Date: March 10, 2022
Time: 8:00 am  to  12:00 pm

Date:  Thursday, 3/10/22
Depart Time: 8:00am
Return Time: 12:00pm
Lead Contact Name: Doug Evers
Lead Contact Cell Phone Number: 831-818-8080
Lead Contact Email: dougevers@ymail.com
Any known non-swimmers (Y/N): Y

Names of OSC member volunteers: Doug E., Pamela R., Justin ?

Jacobs Heart Guests (3):

Please describe event or usage of the OC6 (Float Plan):  inside Harbor


  • Guests wear life jackets
  • Buddy system
  • use Maka Nui if rigged or weight ama of any other OC6
  • Note on waiver that the guest was a non-swimmer.  Guest initials notation.